Friday, January 25, 2008


Let me give a small plug to SargeNation. The concept is good, but there’s not quite enough people there to make it work. Hopefully in a few months it’ll blowup.

SargeNation is a user driven site where people post up links to the latest articles, blog entries, notes, and other web stuff related to sarging. Others rate the links and the best stuff (in theory) floats to the top.

For those not “in the community,” “sarging” is the official term for going out and pickup up chicks. I kid you not; there is actually a term for that.

Exempli gratia: “Ala Moana has tons of girls, let’s go sarging.” Or “Last night at Pearl, my wingman and I had a ridiculously night of sarging. The next day, I woke up in some random girl's bed. When I got home, I had a dozen phone numbers in my pocket. Who the heck was Plenty?”

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