Monday, December 17, 2007

Hana Flavored Sake

I like girls who enjoy a good girly drink. Not that I’ll drink it, but girls enjoying themselves means I’m enjoying myself.

So I went to a dinner-party a few nights ago and the host was serving Hana Flavored Sake. Wow, talk about a girly drink. I thought Moscato was a girly drink but this actually tops that.

(as for the ultimate girly drink, I say it’s a grey goose with the green apple martini mix from William Sonoma along with the green apple glass rimmer).

So Hana Flavored Sake is a light, sake with hints of raspberry, lychee, or green apple. The lychee was by far the best. I’m going to stock a case of it (about $7-$10 for a 750 mL bottle) for my next party.

Update: Hana Flavored Sake is available at Don Quijote and Longs.

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