Monday, June 2, 2008

Greanpeace Girls

It was 3pm on Friday afternoon. I’d just finished a very heated meeting (see my entry below) and I was feeling damn hungry.

Ah crap, Greenpeace chicks patrolling the sidewalk.

I swear to god, I have the most approachable face ever. People also seem to always recognize me from somewhere. Anyway, she approaches me. She’s kinda cute; white girl, nice brown eyes, 5’ 5”, not super skinny, but healthy, also some really cute freckles--which are my weakness.

She spits her Greenpeace spiel and I just nod. When she’s done I tell her that I’d be happy to sign a postcard, but I’m not giving her any money. And as soon as I said that I thought, “OMG, I wonder if stripper game works on Greenpeace girls?” (Rule #1 of gaming a stripper is “do not give her money.”)

She kept pumping the environment and I nodded and said she was right, but I kept to the script of spending no money.

At this point, I realized I needed to build and get her off the subject of getting money from me. I then did what I naturally do: “out-brain them.” Yes, I take their subject and mind dump all the information in my head in an attempt to overwhelm their senses.

This is where being an information junkie pays off. So I begin with the slightly famous Thomas Friedman quote “It is so much more important to change your leaders than change your light bulbs.” I explained how leaders have much greater influence than individuals. I explained how one New York City city-council member changed the law requiring Crown Victoria yellow type cabs, which get 10 mpg, to better-mileage vehicles saved more fuel per year than I could in my entire lifetime

I also explained how the dumb ass Hawaii PUC has set a limit on the amount of renewable energy HECO can buy from individuals. Read this

I also told her to read Thomas Friedman’s book The World is Flat and then to read Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma.

And by then, the IOIs were flowing. I even tried to get away and she said, “are you going that way? I have to go there too!”

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