Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Obama-Clinton: Hells No

Hillary Clinton is defeated and now she’s saying she’s ok with being Vice President. I present to you top 10 reasons why Obama will choose someone else:

10. How can Obama push for hope and change when Clinton is his VP?

9. She’s from New York: NY is gonna go blue no matter what.

8. She ain’t gonna pull Arkansas, she ain’t.

7. The dude’s already got a wife, he doesn’t need another.

6. Who’s going to use the urinal in the VP mansion?

5. Chelsea is going to complain, “I like the other house better”

4. He’s already making history, no need to pull a double.

3. All the bad things they’ve said about each other are what: “I didn’t really mean it!”?

2. A black man will never be VP cause . . . . (look it up)

1. Bill is going to say, “I didn’t do it that way and I got reelected.”

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