Monday, November 19, 2007

Over Hype To Sell

Donald Trump is the master of over-hype. He promises the universe, but delivers the moon. Miraculously he does a damn good job making the moon look like Saturn to just the right number of buyers willing to pay a premium.

Four months ago, Trump promised a new version of the Apprentice filled with celebrity A-listers. What kind of A-list celebrity would be on a reality show is beyond me, but with Trump’s hype, he convinced me it could be done.

Now, Trump has released the “cast” of celebrity A-listers, and well, they’re more like C-Listers. Oh well, I never would have watched it anyway.

Yet, somehow, he managed to twist it. He said he had 125 celebrities begging to be on the show. Hmmm. He then “selected” 14 with business experience. For some reason I’m magically drawn to watch your show again.

Trump’s over hype works because he is always doing something. Instead of focusing on the fact that his latest project is under-delivering, he re-frames the issue onto his next project. He never once makes an excuse or a comment that he promised A but is delivering D, and no one questions is future credibility. Instead, Trump hypes again and people follow. He over hypes so well that nobody pays attention to his latest “failure”.

Lesson: people are drawn to those with big ideas. Past failure is inconsequential. Hype, hype, hype and watch the masses follow.
Good job Mr. Trump, you could sell AIDS to an African.

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