Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I've Created A Monster

I think my girlfriend is becoming immune to me ripping on her. I used to say funny mean things (kinda cocky-funny) to her and she’d snarl. Now though she’s really good at ripping me back:

So she calls me today (Tuesday) at 1:30 p.m.

Her: what chu doing?

Me: um, working.

Her: really??? No WAY!! (in the most sarcastic tone evAr)

Me: Actually, I skipped work to hang out with my other girlfriend. Oh wait, she told me to say hi.

Her: hahhaahah funny!! Well, tell her I said hi back and she’d better step up her threesome skillz! That limp fish shit ain’t gonna cut it anymore!

And at that point I was totally speechless.

I better hold on to this one cause (1) I really don’t want to train a whole ‘nother girl and (2) her next boyfriend is gonna kick my ass.

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