Monday, March 3, 2008

It’s All About His Personality

I overheard two women talking about relationships today.

Girl1: . . . he was always there, he picked me up, he brought me stuff, he answered when I called him, he always had good advice . .

Girl2: Yeah, at first I wasn’t attracted to him at all, but then his personality did it for me.

Girl1: yeah, it’s all about his personality.

I turned around and thought wow these are two cute girls. Oh course the guy was into you. He wanted you the whole time.

And then I thought about all my female platonic friends and realized I either “would” or “wouldn’t” and the test was entirely dependent upon “do I think she’s hot?” Yup, that’s the sole determining factor on whether I’d hook up with one of my platonic friends. I may be an asshole, but that’s how most men feel.

While many women can become attracted to a guy they’re not physically attracted to, most men just can’t.

I guess men are pigs.

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