Thursday, March 13, 2008

When Negative is G-O-O-D Good

I got my std results back today. No I didn’t write about it because I had something, I actually didn’t write about it because I put the code paper in my drawer and kept forgetting to bring it with me so I could “call in” between the hours of 9 and 10:30 am.

The thing that bugs me about the whole “testing” thing is that I thought I was supposed to be anonymous. While the AIDS/HIV testing seems to be, the other std testing is not.

Even when I called in, I had to give my callback date, the city I was born, and my mother’s first name. Now for me, I don’t really care, but I’m sort of concerned for really paranoid people—the type of actually need to get tested.

Oh well. I think I’ll just be happy with being clean and clear and move on.

. . . I guess she was right when she said “I don’t have any diseases.”

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