Monday, March 3, 2008

Things People Think Are Cool, but Really Aren’t, According to Me

1. Your Bluetooth earpiece is not an accessory. While, we’re at it, neither is a cell phone.

2. White iPod earphones make people look like sheep. Be different, buy better earphones, stop telling the world you can’t tell the difference between 64 bitrate mp3 and vinyl. Make sure the replacements are not white.

3. Khaki (colored) or white pants and black shoes. No.

4. Girls with big ass sunglasses that cover their face. Ever see a cute girl with huge glasses take them off—and then she’s not so cute? Yeah.

5. Patek Philippe is cool, Tag is so played out.

6. Lexus is cool, Infinity is so played out

7. Sharp LCDs are better than Sony LCDs. Hahahahaha

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